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GN Hearing er stolte af at præsentere

Nordic Audiology College

Siden 2005 ... Næste gang afhænger af Covid-19

Tema & Tilmelding


Siden 2005

Siden 2005 har vi med udsøgt fornøjelse inviterer nordiske audiologiassistenter til vores velrenommerede seminar
Nordic Audiology College - også kaldet NAC.

Her ynder vi at samle audiologer fra Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige til et lærerigt, videnskabeligt seminar om audiologi og udveksling af erfaringer på tværs af de nordiske landegrænser.

På grund af Covid-19 har vi desværre måtte træffe den beslutning at udskyde det 14. NAC, som vi skulle have afholdt den 21.-22. januar 2021 i Helsinki på ubestemt tid... Men vi vender stærkt tilbage, så snart det vil være muligt!

Tid & Sted






Tema & Tilmelding

Hearing health care in a changing world

Temaet er: "Hearing health care in a changing world", og vi vil som altid lægge stor vægt på at kunne præsentere prominente og førende forskere fra den audiologiske verden.

Da vi primært præsenterer internationale foredragsholdere, vil alle foredrag og al trykt materiale være på engelsk.

Deadline for tilmelding



Bemærk, at ændringer kan forekomme, da dette var programmet til 21.-22. januar 2021 (som vi skubber på ubestemt tid.) 

08:30 – 09:00 Registration

09:00 – 09:15 "Welcome" by Bredo Berge, GM, GN Hearing Nordic, NO

09:15 – 9:45 "Findings from the NAC survey and themes for NAC 2021" by Nikolai Bisgaard, VP External Relations, GN Hearing, DK

10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 – 11.15 "Who is a candidate for hearing aids, and who benefits from them?" by Harvey Dillon, PhD, AO Professor in Audiology, Macquarie University Professor of Auditory Science, AU

11:15 – 12:00 "The Swedish model: This is how Audionomerne meets the patients in the front line" by Jonas Brännström, Associate Professor, Lund University, SE

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

13:00 – 13:45 "Plans for the digital transformation of the Danish hearing aid provision system" by Sundhedsdatastyrelsen, DK

13:45 – 14:30 "Some thoughts about the past and future of rehabilitation with hearing aids, including hearables" by Harvey Dillon, PhD, AO, Professor in Audiology, Macquarie University, AU

14:30 – 15:00 Coffee break

15:00 – 17:00 Workshop

19:00 Dinner

08:45 – 09:00 "Sum up on Thursday" by Nikolai Bisgaard, VP External Relations at GN Hearing, DK

09:00 – 09:45 "Perspectives on the Audiologists role now and in the future" by Geoffrey Cooling

09:45 – 10:15 Coffee break

10:15 – 10:45 "HABO sentences – a new tool for interaction with hearing aid users" by Katja Lund, Ph.D., Postdoc Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, DK

10:45 – 11:30 "Auditory profile-based hearing aid treatment: Insights from the BEAR project" by Tobias Neher, PhD Associate Professor in Audiology, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, DK

11:30 – 12:30 Lunch

12:30 – 13:15 "Patient trials in GN Hearing - tolls and methodology" by Charlotte Thunberg Jespersen, Director, Global Audiology, GN Hearing, DK 

13:15 – 14:00 Round table on the future of hearing care

14:00 – 14:15 Round up and departure

Temaer fra tidligere år

  • 2019 Recent Advances in Hearing Aid Technology - Comwell Borupgaard, Snekkersten, Danmark
  • 2017 From awareness of hearing loss to satisfied hearing aid user - Hotel Yasuraki, Saltsjö Boo, Sverige
  • 2015 Successful Hearing Aid Fitting: Strategies, Tools and procedures - Radisson BLU Royal Hotel, Bergen, Norge
  • 2014 Profound Hearing Loss – Challenges and Solutions - Ystad Saltsjöbad, Ystad, Sverige
  • 2013 Communicating in background noise: The ultimate challenge for the hearing impaired - Haikko Herrgård, Borgå, Finland
  • 2012 Wireless and on-line technologies for the hearing impaired - Aronsborg Konferenshotell, Bålsta, Sverige
  • 2011 Consequences of mild hearing loss - Koldingfjord, Kolding, Danmark
  • 2010 Benefit from Advanced Hearing Aids - Hotel Holmenkollen, Oslo, Norge
  • 2009 Auditory Learning and Training - Strömstad Spa & Resort, Strömstad, Sverige
  • 2008 Hearing and Brain - Hotel Legoland, Billund, Danmark
  • 2007 The Hearing Impaired Person - Utsikten Meetings, Nynäshamn, Sverige
  • 2006 Hearing Aid Fitting Process - Holmen Fjordhotel, Oslo, Norge
  • 2005 Open Fitting - Marienlyst, Helsingør, Danmark



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